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DevSecOps, is referred to as secure DevOps. It has come to evolve as an essential part of the entire lifecycle of the application. It is very important to consider the security aspect by the team who are working on this particular application. The practices used in DevOps actually provide a great opportunity to improve security. Practices such as automation, monitoring, collaboration and fast and early feedback provide a great foundation to build security into DevOps processes.

We have expertise who can access and help you to bring security in your DevOps Journey by inspecting your code and also allowing its traceability down to work items and insights on the third-party components that are currently in use. Canarys possess the expertise to help your team to quickly and automatically analyze the code in their repository to find security vulnerabilities and coding errors.

Secure DevOps actually helps in making security principles and practices an integral part of DevOps while maintaining efficiency and productivity at an upgraded level. It should be noted that DevOps has replaced siloed development and operations to create multidisciplinary teams, that work together for a common business goal. To deliver highly secure software and services in a fast-moving environment, it is critical for the security to move at the same speed. Probably the best way to achieve this is to build security in development (SDL) and operations (OSA) processes and Canarys certainly have the required expertise in the same. We ensure that our customers always experience and understands the best security practices.